Friday, August 2, 2013

10 Things of what NOT to do in an Interview

Being a good interviewee can make or break your chances to the career of your dreams. Here are 10 things of what NOT to do in an interview to land you that dream job.

1.) Don't leave your cell phone on! For one, this is just common courtesy. You don't want to be distracted, and you definitely don't want the person who is interviewing you to hear your phone vibrating or ringing in your pocket. I even suggest leaving it in the car.

2.) Don't smell like smoke. I know this isn't a problem for everyone, but if you do smoke, make sure there is no evidence. This is really important especially if you are interviewing for a position where you are going to be in direct contact with others!

3.) DO NOT speak badly about previous employers! Make sure that you have practiced an honest answer that doesn't show that you are angry with your previous employer.

4.) Don't bring up personal information. Honestly, the interviewer doesn't want to hear about your personal life, or other information that has nothing to do with why you should be chosen for the position.

5.) Don't focus all of your questions on the pay or benefits. The interviewer may be turned off to the fact that you are only interested in what the company can do for you. 

6.) Don't squirm around. Make sure that you look comfortable whether you are sitting or standing. Fidgeting around might make you look nervous, which could hurt your image.

7.)  Don't ramble on. Make sure there is a balance between your talking and listening.  A trick to this is to watch the interviewer's body language to see if you are talking too much.

8.) Don't be late. There is nothing worse than showing up to your interview ten minutes late. I always like to make sure I am at least ten minutes early, especially if you are unfamiliar with the area. 

9.) Don't tell the interviewer that you don't have any questions.  This may show that you aren't very interested in the company. I recommend having five to ten questions prepared.

10.) Don't rush the interviewer. Never leave until the interviewer says the interview is finished! 

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